Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Did you think I gave up on this whole blog thing?  Yeah?  Forgive me, I've had just a tad bit going on in life since jet setting across the world to Africa.  (See last're really behind ;)  More on that at some point....preferably in person...where we can sit and chat over coffee and I can show you pictures of the most beautiful people I have ever met in my life.  No, really....let's get coffee and talk about it!  :)  Anyways, it's been a crazy few months!  I got back from Africa, I ended up moving to a new house, I started the insanity that is recruitment season, and most recently my beloved Grandpa Crumrine WON his battle with cancer, and went to be with the Lord.  Yes, I did say he won his battle with cancer, because when you're a believer in the most High King, and your body ceases to exist on this Earth, you take up your rightful citizenship in Heaven.  So although I miss him, I refuse to say or let anyone else say that he "lost his battle with cancer" because well, that just isn't true :)  I've had a blog post formulating in my head since I learned of my grandpa's passing, and the theme that has danced in my head in the days that have followed. we go :)

So, here's the deal.  I have amazing grandparents.  I'm super blessed to say the least.  Each of them are incredibly unique.  You've got my Grandma and Grandpa Mac.  Have you ever seen "Everybody Loves Raymond?"  You know the old couple on that show?  That's them :)  They are hilarious to say the least, and some of my most favorite people to spend time with and have always been my brother and I's biggest fans in life.  Ever wonder where I get my big hair, and love for makeup and glitz and glamour?  Grandma Mac.  Her name is Catherine, and whenever I'm getting really fancy, my parents say I'm getting "All Catherined Up" and I know exactly what they mean ;)  My friends affectionately refer to her as my Vegas Grandma :)  Then you have Grandpa Mac.  A hardworking, soft spoken, small town, Cardinal fan.  When I went to Africa he began praying weeks in advance, and made sure I knew it.  Sweet as he is, you don't want to see him after a Cardinal's loss ;)  Grandma and Grandpa Mac are still living, and will always be a very important part of my life.  I love them.

Then you have Grandma and Grandpa Crumrine.  Grandma Crumrine passed away when I was a Senior in high school, and I didn't think anything else could shake my life up more than that.  She was the classiest of ladies, hailing from the Jersey Shore and coming to live in small town Illinois with her beloved Navy sailor.  She was 100% Sicilian, and the times I had with her could best be described as hilarious and always memorable.  My cousins and I affectionately referred to her as our "Rock and Roll Grandma."  Because, well, she was all about the party :)  Yet in the sweet and quiet moments, she was one of the wisest women I have ever known, and I can only aspire to be just like her someday. 

Just over two weeks ago, my grandpa Crumrine passed away.  It wasn't unexpected.  He had lung cancer, and had taken a turn for the worse in the recent weeks.  While his death still marks one of the hardest things I have been through in my 25 years, I had a lot of time to refocus my thought process surrounding his death, and the theme that kept playing over and over in my head was "legacy."

When I was a senior in high school I gave a talk at my youth group, and it was centered around the fact that each one of us was going to leave a legacy on this earth, and to think about what we wanted it to be about. I played the song "Legacy" by Nichole Nordeman, and although I think my friends thought I was cheesy, it's still one of my favorite songs.  You can listen to it here

This song and the word "legacy" has been echoing in my head since the moment I found out my grandpa passed away.  Someone wrote on my Facebook about him leaving a legacy, and it stuck with me.  As I sat in his house with my family and my cousins and without him, I could have let the sadness overtake me.  It was certainly strong enough to.  However, I couldn't help but just look around and take it all in.  All of us....6 of his children, their spouses, his grandchildren, and now their spouses, all there because of him.  All of what was before me happened because he met my grandma, they fell in love, and created a legacy together.  A legacy that will reach far beyond their lives, and far beyond even mine!  Each of us with our own stories, because of his story.  It's surreal to think about!  The plan that God has unfolded for my life is a part of his legacy.

Take just me for example.  Over 25 years ago my grandpa started a business.  Shortly thereafter, he hired a young man to work for him.  Then, he hired my dad to work for him.  That young man and my dad became friends.  That young man became a pastor at New Castle Bible Church, invited my dad to attend the church with my mom.  My parents become Christians and begin regularly attending New Castle.  I grow up in a Christian home, and in a church that would be my church home for over 25 years.  It's there that I find my passion for youth ministry, become friends with some of the most important people in my life, travel half way around the world to do mission work with them, and will spend my life living for the glory of the King.  That same pastor did my grandpa's funeral and spoke of the legacy that was left by my grandpa.  And, random side note...his daughter will be moving in with me this week.  How's that for coming full circle?  All because my grandpa hired an employee way back when.  Not to mention the fact that I'm determined now more than ever to be the Domestic Goddess that my grandpa always teased me about not being ;)  And this is just my story!  My entire family has a story that was started by my grandpa!  It's incredible to think about. 

My grandpa's visitation and funeral was among one of the classiest I have ever been a part of.  Hundreds of people came to pay their respects, thousands of memorable words were spoken...not one of them bad, dozens of flower arrangements sent to our family, two refrigerators and all of our counter space entirely covered with food offering condolences to our family, one of the most amazing funeral services ever was performed, cards were sent, Navy men paid their respects at the graveside, and many tears were shed.  And the funniest part of it all was that my grandpa would have hated all the hoopla of that!  Ha!  He was such a quiet, gentle, faithful, wise, man who never wanted attention drawn to him.  But when you leave an amazing legacy, there's bound to be a little bit of attention drawn to you in the end :)

As the casket was brought out of the church, all of my cousins lined up on either side as we said goodbye to our grandpa for one last time.  Through my sobs, I couldn't help but look at all my cousins...each of them grieving the loss of what grandpa meant to them.  But I also couldn't help but think of their stories...the ones that are still being written, all because of the legacy my grandpa left in their lives. 

I guess what I'm trying to get at is that each of us has a legacy to live out, and are a part of a legacy that has been left to them.  And ultimately a part of a grand plan that is divinely orchestrated by the Creator himself.  I plan to create one heck of a legacy!  I can only hope to do it with the class and hilarity of Grandma C, the hardwork of Grandpa Mac, the wise and calm faith of Grandpa C, while staying glitz and glam like Grandma Mac.  I do believe that will be a good start :)

I will close with one of my most recent favorite stories of Grandpa C.  The morning I left for Africa he called me on the phone to tell me goodbye, and in true Amanda fashion, I was freaking out about my plane ride.  ( I have a severe fear of flying!)  I was like, "'s such a long time...and it's so scary!"  And he laughed and said, "I know, honey, but just look out the window and enjoy the view.  Think of it as a beautiful movie that the Lord has created especially for you."  I carried that with me on my entire trip and was the calmest I have ever been on a plane.'s to you, Grandpa C!  I hope you are enjoying your time with Jesus and watching us proudly as we live out your legacy like a movie just for you :)  We love you and only hope to make you as proud of us as we were of you.

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